

Konferenzen und Tagungen

Formal Structure, Semiformal Foci, and Informal Choice: Determinants of Intraorganizational Collaboration Networks, Vortrag am 25. Januar 2024, Venedig (Italien).

Keep the Dice Rollin': Strategic Alliance Networks between Board Game Publishers and the Role of Board Game Designers, Vortrag am 29. Juni auf der Sunbelt International Conference, Portland, Oregon (USA).

Structuring Mechanisms for Exploration and Exploitation Advice Ties, Vortrag am 31. März 2023 auf der Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission "Organisation" im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Linz (Österreich).

Netzwerkforschung in der Praxis: Bedarf, Anwendungsgebiete, Vorgehensweisen, Vortrag am 28. November 2022 auf der Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Netzwerkforschung (DGNet), Darmstadt.

Antecedents of exploration and exploitation in managerial advice networks, Vortrag am 20. September 2022 auf der 42. Annual Conference der Strategic Management Society, London (Großbritannien).

Antecedents of advice ties for knowledge exploration and exploitation, Vortrag am 14. Juli 2022 auf der Sunbelt International Conference, Cairns (Australia).

Antecedents of advice ties for knowledge exploration and exploitation, Vortrag am 23. juni 2022 auf der NetGlow - Networks in a Global World Biannual Conference, online.

Antecedents of managerial advice networks in MNCs: Relational, assortative, and proximity mechanisms, Vortrag am 07. November 2020 auf der Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission "Internationales Management" im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), online.

Participation in cluster events, managerial networking, and strategic alliances: A multilevel network approach, Vortrag am 21. Oktober 2019, 39. Annual Conference der Strategic Management Society, Minneapolis (USA).

Professional advice networks across organizations: Does personality matter? Vortrag am 10. September 2019, European Social Networks Conference, Zürich (Schweiz).

The Social Embeddedness of Inter-firm Alliance Creation and Continuity – A Dynamic Network Analysis, Vortrag am 13. August 2019 auf dem 79. Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, Boston (USA).

The Role of Proximity in Explaining Patient Transfer Networks in Outpatient Healthcare, Vortrag am 11. August 2019 auf dem 79. Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, Boston (USA).

External stimuli of multi-level (dyadic) collaboration: The case of networking events in a biotech cluster, Vortrag am 10. August 2019 auf dem 79. Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, Boston (USA).

Participation in cluster events, managerial networking, and strategic alliances - A multilevel network analysis, Vortrag am 28. März 2019 auf der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Netzwerkforschung, Aachen.

Overload and intention to leave: The negative effects of employees' network embeddedness, Vortrag am 24.September 2018 auf der 38. Annual Conference der Strategic Management Society, Paris (Frankreich).

The contingency of brokerage and preferential attachment in the evolution of alliance networks, Vortrag am 24.September 2018 auf der 38. Annual Conference der Strategic Management Society, Paris (Frankreich).

Overload and Intention to Leave: the Negative Effects of Employees’ Network Embeddedness, Vortrag am 14. August 2018 auf dem 78. Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, Chicago (USA).

Interdependencies between Individual-Level and Unit-Level Knowledge Transfers for Innovation, Vortrag am 13. August 2018 auf dem 78. Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, Chicago (USA).

Endogenous processes in alliance networks and their contingencies on multiple levels, Vortrag am 07. Juli 2018 auf der 34. Jahrestagung der European Group for Organization Studies, Tallinn (Estland).

Overload and intention to leave: The negative effects of employees’ network embeddedness, Vortrag am 06. Juli 2018 auf der 34. Jahrestagung der European Group for Organization Studies, Tallinn (Estland).

Multilevel networks in new product development: Cross-level mechanisms determining tie formation, Vortrag am 05. Juli 2018 auf der 34. Jahrestagung der European Group for Organization Studies, Tallinn (Estland).

Cross-Clustering and the Role of Cluster Funding: A Multi-Level Network Analysis of Formal and Informal Cooperation among Leading Cluster Organizations in Germany, Vortrag am 21. Juni 2018 auf der Jahrestagung der European Academy of Management, Reykjavik (Island).

Spatial and Psychological Proximity as Drivers of Top-Management Collaboration in MNCs, Vortrag am 20. Juni 2018 auf der Jahrestagung der European Academy of Management, Reykjavik (Island).

Collaborative Strategies of Cluster Organizations: Understanding the Role of Spatial and Technological Proximity for the Creation of Cross-Cluster Linkages, Vortrag am 20. Juni 2018 auf der Jahrestagung der European Academy of Management, Reykjavik (Island).

Microdynamics in Alliance Networks: The Contingency of Endogenous Effects, Vortrag am 15. Februar 2018 auf der Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission "Organisation" im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Hamburg.

Alliance Network Dynamics: Contingency Factors of Brokerage and Preferential Attachment, Vortrag am 15. Dezember 2017 auf der Special Conference der Strategic Management Society, San Jose (Costa Rica).

Multilevel Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs), Vortrag am 05. August 2017 auf dem 77. Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, Atlanta (SA).

Distant or Close? Proximity as Driver of Managerial Collaboration in MNCs, Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Academy of International Business, am 05. Juli 2017, Dubai.

Geographic and Social Proximity as Antecedents of Managerial Collaboration, Vortrag am 31. Mai 2017 auf der 37. Sunbelt Conference, Peking (China).

Institutional Development and the Importance of Signals in the Alliance Formation Process, Vortrag am 31. Mai 2017 auf der 37. Sunbelt Conference, Peking (China).

Deficient Management Control and Role Ambiguity as Antecedents for Employees' Embeddedness in Intraorganizational Information Exchange Networks, Vortrag am 31. Mai 2017 auf der 37. Sunbelt Conference, Peking (China).

Spatial Distance and Social Proximity as Antecedents of Managerial Collaboration in MNCs, Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission "Internationales Management" im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) am 28. April, Kiel.

Multilevel Collaboration Networks in High-tech Clusters: First Findings, Vortrag am 01. März 2017 auf der Fachtagung zu Dynamics of Multilevel Social Network Analysis in Practice, Paris (Frankreich).

Geographic versus Social Proximity as Antecedents of Collaboration among Managers, Vortrag am 16. Februar 2017 auf der Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission "Organisation" im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Hamburg.

Multi-layered Geographies of Proximity: Understanding the Interplay between Social Networks and Spatial Embedding, Vortrag am 05. Dezember 2016 auf der Gründungstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Netzwerkforschung, Darmstadt.

Institutional Development and the Importance of Signals in the Alliance Formation Process, Vortrag am 04. Dezember 2016 auf der 42. Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Wien (Österreich).

Exploitation Alliance Portfolios: Impacts of Size and Internationalization on Operational Firm Performance, Vortrag am 19. Oktober 2016, 36. Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Berlin.

The Firm's Knowledge Network and the Transfer of Advice among Corporate Inventors, Vortrag am 19. Oktober 2016, 36. Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Berlin.

Geographic versus Psychological Proximity as Antecedents of Collaboration, Vortrag am 06. August 2016, 76. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim (USA).

Motivation as an Antecedent for Employees' Embeddedness in Intra-Organizational Cooperative Networks, Vortrag am 08. August 2016, 76. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim (USA).

The Firm's Knowledge Network and the Transfer of Advice among Corporate Invetors, Vortrag am 08. August 2016, 76. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim (USA).

Entrepreneurial Orientation as Driver of Brokerage in External Networks: Exploring the Effects of Risk-Taking, Proactivity, and Innovativeness, Vortrag am 09. August 2016, 76. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim (USA).

Motivation as an Antecedent for Employees' Embeddedness in Intra-Organizational Cooperative Networks, Vortrag am 08. Juli 2016, 32. EGOS Colloquium der European Group for Organization Studies, Neapel (Italien).

Beyond Riccardo: The Structural Patterns of International Trade, Vortrag am 16. Juni 2016, 2.European Conference on Social Networks, Paris (Frankreich).

Geographic versus Psychological Proximity as Antecedents of Collaboration, Vortrag am 17. Juni 2016, 2. European Conference on Social Networks, Paris (Frankreich).

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation as Antecedents for Employees' Embeddedness in Intra-organizational Cooperative Networks, Vortrag am 08. April 2016, 36. International Sunbelt Conference, Newport Beach (USA).

The Structural Patterns of International Trade: A Network-based Approach, Vortrag am 07. April 2016, 36. International Sunbelt Conference, Newport Beach (USA).

The Firm's Knowledge Network and the Transfer of Advice Among Corporate Inventors: A Multilevel Network Study, Vortrag am 18. Februar 2016, Kommissionstagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission "Organisation" im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Zürich (Schweiz).

The Structural Logic of International Trade Networks at the Dusk of the Second Millennium: A Network Based Approach, Vortrag am 17. September 2015, Jahreskonferenz der Historical Network Research Association, Lissabon (Portugal).

The Interplay Between Formal Project Memberships and Informal Advice Seeking in Knowledge-intensive Firms, Vortrag am 25. Juni 2015, 35. International Sunbelt Conference, Brighton (England).

Seeking Advice in the Knowledge Space: A Multilevel Investigation of Inventors' Network Embeddedness, Vortrag am 25. Juni 2015, 35. International Sunbelt Conference, Brighton (England)

Retail Patronage as a Network: An Alternative Approach to Customer Segmentation, Vortrag am 13. Februar 2015, Winter Marketing Educators' Conference der American Marketing Association (AMA), San Antonio (USA).

Multiple Project Memberships and Informal Advice Seeking in Knowledge-Intensive Firms: A Multilevel Network Analysis, Vortrag am 15. Januar 2015, Conference der NetSci - International School and Conference on Network Science, Rio de Janeiro (Brasilien).

A Multilevel Study of Interpersonal and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Networks in High-Tech Clusters, Vortrag am 21. September 2014, 34. Annual Conference der Strategic Management Society (SMS), Madrid (Spanien).

Multilevel R&D-networks, Vortrag am 01.August 2014, Annual Conference der Academy of Management, Philadelphia (USA).

A multilevel network study on project memberships and informal ties in knowledge-intensive firms, Vortrag am 04. Juli 2014, 30. European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Rotterdam, Niederlande.

Project Networks and Advice Seeking in Corporate R&D – A Multilevel Investigation, Vortrag am 20. Februar 2014, 34. International Sunbelt Conference, St. Pete Beach (USA).

Effects of Personality on Brokerage Positions, Vortrag am 20. Februar 2014, 34. International Sunbelt Conference, St. Pete Beach (USA).

Multilevel structural interdependencies in HR systems, Vortrag am 06. November 2014, 12. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung (AKempor), Hamburg.

Informal Managerial Exchange and Formal Inter-Firm Collaboration: A Multilevel Investigation in Biotech, Vortrag am 30. September 2013, 33. Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society, Atlanta (USA).

Entrepreneurial orientation, interfirm networks, and organizational performance, Vortrag am 11. August 2013, Annual Conference der Academy of Management, Orlando (USA).

Entrepeneurial orientation as driver of brokerage, Vortrag am 04. Juli 2013, 29. European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Montréal (Kanada).

Interdependencies between internal and external boundary spanning in corporate R&D, Vortrag am 26. Mai 2013, 33. International Sunbelt Conference, Hamburg.

The effct of entrepreneurial orientation on brokerage in interorganizational networks, Vortrag am 24. Mai 2013, 33. International Sunbelt Conference, Hamburg.

Inter-organizational and inter-individual networks in biotech: An application of multi-level ERGMs, Vortrag am 22. Mai 2013, 33. International Sunbelt Conference, Hamburg.

Entrepreneurial orientation, organizational performance, and the mediating role of structural holes, Vortrag am 28. Februar 2013, Kommission “Organisation” im VHB, Jena.

Local cooperation in global industries: Effects of entrepreneurial orientation on brokerage, Vortrag 22. Februar 2013, Augsburg.am 22. Februar 2013, Kommission „Internationales Management“ im VHB, Augsburg.

The relationship between organizational structure and performance: A network approach, Vortrag am 22. Oktober 2012, INSEAD Conference on Network Evolution, Fontainbleau (Frankreich).

Entrepreneurial atticude orientation as a determinant of managers’ knowledge seeking behavior across organizational boundaries: An example from biotech, Vortrag am 09. Oktober 2012, 32. Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society, Prag (Tschechien).

Exploring the effect of entrepreneurial autonomy on managerial participation in knowledge networks, Vortrag am 08. Oktober 2012, 32. Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society, Prag (Tschechien).

The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Performance: A Network Approach, Vortrag am 17. September 2012, gemeinsames Forschungsseminar der Universitäten Freiburg und Nagoya, Nagoya (Japan.

The relationship between organizational structure and performance: A network approach, Vortrag am 06. September 2012, 5. Intra-Organizational Networks Conference (ION), Lexington (USA).

Entrepreneurial attitude orientation as a determinant of managers’ knowledge and advice seeking across organizational boundaries: An example from biotech, April 2012, 32. International Sunbelt Conference, Redondo Beach (USA).

Which ties pay off? An ERGM-approach to the relationship between board interlocks and CEO compensation, Vortrag am 13. April 2012, 32. International Sunbelt Conference, Redondo Beach (USA).

Bringing the individual back in: A social network perspective of collaboration among co-located high-technology companies, Vortrag am 13. April 2012, 32. International Cunbelt Conference, Redondo Beach (USA).

Where do interpersonal networks come from? Evidence from the German high-technology industry, Vortrag am 01. März 2012, Jahrestagung der Kommission “Organisation im VHB, Berlin.

Interlocking directorate networks and CEO compensation: Which ties pay off?, Vortrag am 01. März 2012, Jahrestagung der Kommission “Organisation im VHB, Berlin.

The relationship between intra-organizational communication and team performance: A network approach, Vortrag am 27. Mai 2011, 61. Annual Conference der International Communication Association (ICA), Boston (USA).

Structuring principles of the German board-director network: An exponential random graph model approach, Vortrag am 24. Februar 2011, Jahrestagung der Kommission “Organisation” im VHB, Berlin.

The evolution of the German board-director network from 2006 to 2009: A longitudinal analysis, Vortrag am 12. Februar 2011, 31. Interational Sunbelt Conference, St. Petersburg (USA).

Perceived job characteristics as antecedents of intra-organizational networks: A case study in a German SME, Vortrag am 12. Februar 2011, 31. Interational Sunbelt Conference, St. Petersburg (USA).

Structuring principles of the German top manager network: Integrating upper echelons and social networks, Vortrag am 13. September 2010, 30. Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Rom (Italien).

The German upper echelon network: Principles determining network structure, Vortrag am 04. Juli 2010, 30. International Sunbelt Conference, Riva del Garda (Italien).

Structural patterns and effectiveness of interorganizational networks: An example of the high-tech industry, Vortrag am 02. Juli 2010, 30. International Sunbelt Conference, Riva del Garda (Italien).

The impact of network embeddedness on firm survival: The case of biotechnology, Vortrag am , 02. Juli 2010, International Sunbelt Conference, Riva del Garda (Italien).

The effect of management control on cooperation and job performance, Vortrag am 28. Mai 2010, Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Bremen.

Distinguishing between good and bad networks: Performance effects of organizational structures, Vortrag am 12. Mai 2010, NetSci Conference on Network Science, Boston (USA).

The effect of management control on cooperation and job performance, Vortrag am 25. Februar 2010, Jahrestagung der Kommission “Organisation” im VHB, Berlin.

Entrepreneurial risk-taking orientation in internationally operating SMEs, Vortrag am 19. Februar 2010, Jahrestagung der Kommission “Internationales Management” im VHB, Berlin.

Performance effects of informal networks, Vortrag am 04. Juni 2009, Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Nürnberg.

Structural patterns of corporate elite networks: The case of Germany, Vortrag am 13. März 2009, 29. International Sunbelt Conference, San Diego (USA).

The networks that make it: A comparison of high and low performing organizational structures, Jahrtestagung der Kommission „Organisation“ im VHB, Berlin.

Voraussetzungen und erfolgsbezogene Konsequenzen der Risikoneigung in international tätigen KMUs, Vortrag am 13. Februar 2009, Jahrestagung der Kommission „Internationales Management“ im VHB, Berlin.

Are all ties equal? A new perspective on board interlocks, Vortrag am 14. Oktober 2008, 28. Annual Conference der Strategic Management Society, Köln.

The relationship between network structure and network performance, Vortrag am 26. Januar 2008, 28. International Sunbelt Conference, St. Petersburg (USA).

The effect of formal management control and perceived organizational support on informal cooperation and sales performance, Vortrag am 01. Juni 2007, Pfingsttagung des VHB, Paderborn.

Structure and dynamics of governance networks: An international comparison, Vortrag am 03. Mai 2007, 27. International Sunbelt Conference, Korfu (Griechenland).

Strategieentwicklung als politischer Prozess: Eine netzwerkanalytische Untersuchung, Vortrag am 01. März 2007, Jahrestagung der Kommission „Organisation“ im VHB, München.

Structure and dynamics of governance networks: An international comparison, Vortrag am 17. Februar 2007, Jahrestagung der Kommission „Internationales Management“ im VHB, Wien (Österreich).

Antecedents and performance consequences of an entrepreneurial risk orientation in an international context, Vortrag am 08. Dezember 2006, 32. EIBA Annual Conference, Fribourg (Schweiz).

Interdependencies between reputation, friendship, and cooperation in networks of strategy making, Vortrag am 28. April 2006, 26. International Sunbelt Conference, Vancouver (Kanada).

Integrated versus core-periphery structures in regional biotechnology networks, Vortrag am 27. April 2006, 26. International Sunbelt Conference, Vancouver (Kanada).

The Influence of reputation and friendship in cooperation networks, Vortrag am 24. Oktober 2005, 25. Annual Conference der Strategic Management Society, Orlando (USA).

Export stimuli and export performance: The impact of antecedents and moderators, Vortrag am 11. März 2005, Annual Conference on Corporate Strategy (ACCS), Koblenz Vallendar.

Structural patterns of corporate governance networks: The case of Germany, Vortrag am 16. Februar 2005, 25. International Sunbelt Conference, Los Angeles (USA).

Voraussetzungen, Determinanten und Ergebnisse der Internationalisierung: Eine empirische Untersuchung für schweizerische KMUs, Vortrag am 03. Juni 2004, 66. Pfingsttagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Graz (Österreich).

Structural Logic of Network Organizations, Vortrag am 15. Mai 2004, 24. International Sunbelt Conference, Portorož (Slovenien).

Structural Logic of Network Organizations, Vortrag am 07. Mai 2004, 4. International Conference, European Academy of Management (EURAM), St. Andrews (Schottland).

Strukturelle Logik von Netzwerkorganisationen, Vortrag am 03. Dezember 2003, Forschungskolloquium der Wissenschaftlichen Hochschule für Unternehmensführung (WHU), Koblenz-Vallendar.

Strukturelle Logik multirelationaler Netzwerke, Vortrag am 17. Mai 2003, Workshop Technologie und Innovationsmanagement, Universität Hohenheim.

Interdependencies Between Formal and Informal Network Structures in MNCs, Vortrag am 13. Dezember 2002, International Conference on Managing Enterprises, Hagen.

Network Organizations: A Model of Structural Embedded Exchange, Vortrag am 6. Juli 2001, 17. EGOS Konferenz, Lyon (Frankreich).

Ein Untersuchungsrahmen zur Analyse von Netzwerkorganisationen, Vortrag am 23. März 2001, Kommissionstagung Internationales Management, Graz (Österreich).

A Methodological Framework for the Analysis of Network Organizations, Vortrag am 11. Dezember 2000, 26. EIBA Konferenz, Maastricht (Niederlande).